Is your child sick? Then we ask you to report this before 09:00 a.m. to the administration via telephone number 5871583/4 or via our email: If your child gets sick at school, we will try to reach you and ask you to come and pick up your child. Therefore, it is important that we are always aware of current telephone numbers.
In case of sickness during a test week or an examination (written examination or national written examination for examinees), your child will have to report to Medwork the same day between 08:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. They will determine what the problem is and then issue a doctor’s note. Please hand in this note to the administration preferably the same day, but no later than within 3 schooldays after reporting sick. The school has entered into a contract with Medwork and the personal contribution is AWG 35.- per consultation.
If the student misses a test for any reason other than sickness, we will examine whether there is a legitimate reason (see the leave form). A student can only make up for a test if there is a legitimate reason. If this is not the case, the student will get a 1 for the test. Tests take place not only during test weeks but also on regular schooldays. It is therefore important to keep an eye on the annual planning of the school to avoid disappointments.
We expect parents/caregivers to submit a request for leave in time (at least 2 weeks in advance unless it concerns an emergency). You can download the school leave form.