Second Stage

With second stage we mean the last year of mavo, the last two years of havo and the last three years of vwo. Important years, in which we guide your child towards his or her coveted diploma in an effective and pleasant manner.

Final examination

Schakel College is independently authorized to administer the Aruban examinations for mavo, havo and vwo. So, our students take their final examinations in the same way and at the same time as a regular secondary school.

Our havo and vwo students who participate in the Dutch curriculum program, may also opt for participating in the Dutch state examinations in the final examination year. The state examinations are administered according to a slightly different timetable. We will gladly explain how this works.

Personal development

Second-stage students are at an age at which they go through an important personal development. We pay attention to this. We also pay a lot of attention to the preparation for the examinations and to what makes these easier or more difficult. During our LOBO (career orientation) classes, we focus on career choice, follow-up studies and the preparation for this.